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Hassan Hourie

Mixing Nozzle Experiment
In this project, the multi-lobe mixing nozzle was tested inside the low-speed wind tunnel (LSWT) at Queen's University. Additive manufacturing was utilized to produce the experimental parts. The nozzle was attached to an electrical propelling fan. The fan has a rotor stage made of 11 blades followed by a stator stage made of 5 blades and

Nozzle and fan inside the LSWT
Shown is the fan rig inside the LSWT along with a 7 hole probe ready to take measurements.
Propelling fan blades CAD model
The fan has a rotor stage made of 11 blades followed by a stator stage made of 5 blades.

Propelling fan with nozzle CAD model
To make the fan appropriate for aerodynamics experiments a nacelle had to be added
Blades surface mesh
The surface mesh for the blades and hub are shown here. Triangular elements used.

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